Using The 20 Degree Rule For Your AC System

Using The 20 Degree Rule For Your AC System

One of the calls we get a lot of during a heat wave is that the AC can’t keep up once it gets over 90 degrees. The good news is that there is probably nothing wrong with your air conditioner if this is the case. 

We like to recommend the 20 degree rule when it comes to your AC. 

What Is The 20 Degree Rule? 

You should try not to have your AC temperature set for 20 degrees below what the temperature is outside. For example, if it’s 91 degrees outside, you shouldn’t have your thermostat set below 71.

Once you have a greater than 20 degree difference between the weather outside and your temperature setting, the air conditioner has a hard time keeping up. It will force itself to work as hard as possible, even if it can’t achieve the desired temperature. This will hurt your AC system, while also costing you more money in energy bills. Even if the AC isn’t cooling the way it should, it will still end up costing you more than normal, because it’s still using plenty of energy. 

Contact Broadley’s About Your AC System

Why Does The AC Have Trouble Cooling With More Than 20 Degrees Difference?

When your AC is running, it’s cooling the air, and also dehumidifiying it at the same time. When there is a less than 20 degree difference, it’s able to do both pretty simply. Once the temperature outside gets too high, the air conditioner struggles to cool and dehumidify.

This will make your home more uncomfortable, while also stressing the AC system. It adds unnecessary wear and tear, and shortens the lifespan of your system. 

Still, you don’t want to have to bring your AC up too much if the temperature continues to rise. 

Read More: Why My AC Isn’t Cooling My Home

Solutions To Cool Your Home 

So what can you do to keep your home cool while still abiding by the 20 degree rule? There are certainly ways to cool your home, and help your AC out as to not overwork the system. 

Install A Dehumidifier

Here is the number one solution to help with this problem. A dehumidifier removes moisture from the air, and keeps the air in your home at the proper humidity levels.

During the summer high humidity is a big part of what makes you feel uncomfortable. High humidity means there is a greater than normal amount of moisture in the air. Taking this moisture out of the air will make it cooler, and alleviate the job your air conditioner has to do. Give us a call at (609) 390-3907 to talk about a dehumidifier for your home. 

Use Your Blinds

Keeping the sun out of your home makes it cooler. It’s nice to have some sunshine in the house, but on very hot days, letting the sun in only makes your home warmer. A good rule is to keep the blinds down in rooms you aren’t using, like bedrooms during the day. The less sun in the house, the cooler it will be. 

Avoid Using Appliances During The Day

Using major appliances like your dishwasher, laundry dryer or washer, and especially your oven, make your home warmer. All of these appliances emit heat when they are being used, and can make your home warmer. 

The easiest solution is to wait until the night to run most of these. Dishes and laundry can be done after the sun goes down and it’s a little cooler. As for cooking, obviously there are times you will want to use you stove or oven. We suggest making sure your exhaust is working and carries some of that heat outside. Also, go outside and use the grill! This keeps all the heat outside, and if there’s a time of year where grilling is the best, it’s normally these summer days! 

Install A Smart Thermostat

Smart themrostats keep track of humidity, and manage energy use better than older thermostats. You can also program them so that they won’t break the 20 degree rule. 

Smart thermostats are accessible from your phone or tablet, and add an extra layer of convenience to your home. They can even be hooked up to different appliances around the house, like an Amazon Echo. 

Use Ceiling Fans

This is a simple one, but if you have ceiling fans, use them.  They will help circulate the cooled air, and keep your home slightly cooler. We know this is basic, but the basics work sometimes too! 

Read More: A Ductless Mini Split VS A Window AC Unit

Is Your AC A Problem?

We know it’s not easy always accounting for the temperature outside and adjusting your thermostat, but the truth is you shouldn’t be adjusting it too much. It’s more so important to take it up a few degrees in a heat wave so you aren’t adding stress to your system. 

There are cases though where maybe your AC just isn’t getting the job done. This is where we can help. If your AC is really struggling in the heat, it may simply be time for a service or an upgrade. We certainly recommend taking these steps above, but having an AC that cools is still the most important aspect of staying comfortable in the heat. 

Give us a call at (609) 390-3907, or click here to visit us online!